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Don’t Allow Cluster Flies to Get Comfortable in Your Home


Flies can be annoying most times of the year, but if there is one type that causes the most problems when autumn turns to winter, it’s cluster flies. They come indoors to seek shelter from the frost and wind and to settle down for the winter.

Cluster flies can be recognized because they are larger than house flies. Their tiny hairs also make them appear to be slightly golden or yellow. During the larva stage of their development, they breed in soil and host on earthworms.

They are similar to many insects – for the winter months, they move inside. They usually enter through gaps in roofs, eaves, and the attic, then they settle in warm, sun-facing spaces. They leave the house in early spring, but they are known to return to spaces they have previously occupied, leading to annual infestations.

't Allow Cluster Flies to Get Comfortable in Your Home

Cluster flies exist in large numbers and once an infestation occurs, it can get out of control quickly. They stain walls and fabrics, and their accumulated excrement gives off a noticeable stench. Cluster flies can also be responsible for contaminating food and spreading diseases.

Because they come in large numbers, it will be impossible to swat or kill every last one of them. Some flies may also die in wall voids, attracting large beetles which will feed on the dead flies and migrate in other parts of the house.

Fly swatters, vacuum cleaners, and pesticides can only do so much in completely killing these insects. An expert pest control company needs to be hired. Once they have gotten rid of the cluster flies, make sure all screens fit properly and are not broken, holes on the roof are caulked, and doors and windows are weather stripped.

't Allow Cluster Flies to Get Comfortable in Your Home

Do not allow cluster flies to get comfortable in your home. When having an issue with cluster flies, get in touch with a professional pest control right away! Of course, you can’t just trust any pest control company. Ask friends or family for referrals or check online reviews. Hiring a reputable exterminator is important, especially when you’ll need their services at least once a year. Regular treatments and ongoing prevention are the best ways to keep cluster flies and other unwanted pests from your house.

Pro-Pest Corporation understands how frustrating it is to get rid of cluster flies that have made their way into your home. We are proudly accredited by the Better Business Bureau and have an A+ rating. For pest control in Toronto and North York, call our 24-hour hotline at (416) 487-4179.

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