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Rat Removal in Toronto – Pro-Pest

When you need professional rat removal in Toronto Pro-Pest is the team to call. 

Because of the harsh winters in Ontario, rats will look for a warm environment as the weather turns cold and food sources disappear. This can mean they’ll infiltrate your home and cause serious problems. However, they’re happy to invade your space in the spring and summer months, too. When you see the signs of these rodents indoors, you need rat removal in Toronto.

One giveaway that rats are in your kitchen, break room, or pantry is visible droppings in these food areas. If you see gnawed holes through garbage, bags or boxes, there may be rats or mice afoot. Other clues include:

  • Tracks
  • Rub marks
  • Burrows
  • Damage to stored products
  • Nests
  • The pitter patter of little feet
  • Gnawing and scratching sounds

Not only will rats invade your trash and food supply, they’ll hurt your building and cause major, costly property damage. They gnaw through wood. Their droppings create a health hazard and expensive cleanup. They build nests between ceilings and floors, in double walls, in the nooks and crannies of counters, and trash piles.

Seal doors and windows (this will also lower your hydro bill) and close up any holes in masonry, drains, conduits and utility lines. If they still get in, call Pro-Pest for rat removal from Toronto homes and businesses.

Pro-Pest is qualified to remove vermin from your property in a safe and effective way. Call for rat removal in Toronto and rid yourself of rat problems without breathing harmful chemicals or suffering a huge disruption to your home or workplace. Call (416) 487-4179 or contact us via email.

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241 Springdale Boulevard Toronto, ON M4C 1Z8 Canada